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Unlock Stunning Shots: Best Lenses for Nikon D850

The best lenses for the Nikon d850 are the nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8e ed vr, nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8e fl ed vr and sigma 14mm f/1.8 dg hsm art. These lenses provide superior image quality and sharpness for landscape, portrait, and sports photography.

The Nikon d850 is a high-end dslr camera that enthusiasts, professionals, and photography hobbyists alike appreciate. Its 45. 7-megapixel full-frame sensor, dynamic range, and improved autofocus make it one of the best cameras to use.

Selecting the right lens for the Nikon d850 is crucial in getting the best possible results from the camera.

Photographers need lenses that can capture the d850’s resolution and offer exceptional quality. In this article, we’ll be discussing the best lenses for the Nikon d850.

Key Factors To Consider For Lens Selection For Nikon D850

When it comes to choosing the best lenses for Nikon d850, key factors such as camera compatibility, focal length, aperture range, and budget considerations should be taken into account. Additionally, it’s essential to select the right type of lens for your desired photography genre.

Let’s dive deeper into each factor to help you make an informed decision.

Understanding Camera Compatibility

Before selecting a lens for your Nikon d850, make sure it’s compatible with the camera’s mount. Nikon f-mount lenses work well with Nikon d850. However, third-party lenses, such as tamron or sigma, also provide quality results.

Focal Length And Aperture Range Suitable For The Camera

The Nikon d850 is a full-frame camera, making it ideal for landscape and portrait photography. Consider lenses with a focal length of 24-70mm for versatile shooting. If you’re looking to capture distant objects, consider a telephoto lens with a focal length of 70-200mm or longer.

Additionally, lenses with wide maximum apertures such as f/1. 4 or f/1. 8 are ideal for low light situations.

Budget Considerations

Lenses come at different price points, from budget-friendly to high-end. It’s essential to determine your budget beforehand, as lenses can be a long-term investment. You can opt for a kit lens, a budget-friendly alternative that provides good results, or invest in high-end prime or zoom lenses for professional-grade results.

Types Of Lenses Suitable For Various Photography Genres

Choosing the right type of lens for your preferred photography genre can significantly impact the final results. Here are some lenses suitable for different genres:

  • Portrait photography: Prime lenses such as 50mm f/1.8 and 85mm f/1.4 provide sharp results with beautiful bokeh.
  • Landscape photography: Wide-angle lenses such as 14-24mm f/2.8 and 24mm f/1.4 provide a broad perspective and impressive detail.
  • Wildlife photography: Telephoto lenses such as 200-500mm f/5.6 and 500mm f/4 provide close-up shots with sharp detail.
  • Sports photography: Fast zoom lenses such as 70-200mm f/2.8 and 300mm f/4 provide quick autofocus and excellent results in fast-paced shooting environments.

Selecting the best lenses for Nikon d850 can significantly impact the final results of your photography. Taking into account the key factors such as camera compatibility, focal length, aperture range, and budget considerations, along with the type of lens suitable for your preferred genre, can ensure you make an informed decision.

Best Lenses for Nikon D850 For Everyday Photography

In terms of everyday photography, the right lens can make all the difference. For Nikon d850 users, there are many great options to choose from. In this section, we explore the best lenses for everyday photography, including recommended prime and zoom lenses and a comparison of their features.

Recommended prime lenses:

  • Nikon af-s nikkor 50mm f/1.8g: Budget-friendly and versatile, this lens is perfect for portraits and low-light photography.
  • Sigma 35mm f1.4 art dg hsm: This lens offers exceptional image quality and is great for street photography, landscapes and portraits.
  • Nikon af-s nikkor 85mm f/1.8g: Ideal for portrait photography, this lens offers beautiful bokeh and great sharpness.

Recommended zoom lenses:

  • Nikon af-s nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8e ed vr: This lens is perfect for general purpose photography and is great for events, landscapes and portraits.
  • Tamron sp 70-200mm f/2.8 di vc usd g2: This lens offers fantastic image stabilization and is perfect for sports, wildlife and portrait photography.
  • Nikon af-s nikkor 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6g ed vr: This all-in-one lens is great for travel photography and can handle a wide range of focal lengths.

Comparison of prime and zoom lenses:

When considering which type of lens to purchase, there are pros and cons to both prime and zoom lenses. Here is a comparison of the two:

Prime lenses:

  • Ideal for low-light situations
  • Generally offer better image quality
  • Lightweight and portable
  • Fixed focal length can be limiting

Zoom lenses:

  • Greater focal range versatility
  • Ideal for event and travel photography
  • Image stabilization often included
  • Can be heavier and more expensive

The right lens for everyday photography will depend on your specific needs and shooting style. These recommendations are a great starting point when considering your options.


Best Lenses for Nikon D850 For Landscape Photography

If you’re looking to capture stunning landscape shots with your Nikon d850, then having the right lens is crucial. We’ll dive into the best lenses for landscape photography, discuss their key features, and compare them in different price ranges. We’ll also provide tips for capturing breathtaking landscapes and show sample shots taken with these lenses.

So, let’s get started!

Recommended Wide-Angle Lenses

For landscape photography, a wide-angle lens is a must-have. Wide-angle lenses allow you to capture the expansive scenery and create a sense of depth and scale in your photos. Here are the top three recommended wide-angle lenses for the Nikon d850:

  • Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8g ed: This lens is a favorite among landscape photographers for its ultra-wide perspective and sharp image quality. It has a fast maximum aperture of f/2.8, which is great for low light situations and creating shallow depth of field effects. The lens also has a silent wave motor (swm) for quick and quiet autofocusing.
  • Tamron sp 15-30mm f/2.8 di vc usd g2: This lens is another excellent option for landscape photography. It has a fast maximum aperture of f/2.8 and comes with built-in image stabilization (vc) to minimize camera shake. The lens also features a moisture-resistant construction and fluorine coating to protect against dust, dirt, and smudging.
  • Sigma 14-24mm f/2.8 dg hsm art: This lens is known for its impressive optical performance and low distortion. It has a fast maximum aperture of f/2.8 and features multiple coatings to reduce ghosting and flare. The lens also has a hypersonic motor (hsm) for quick and quiet autofocusing.

Tips For Capturing Stunning Landscape Shots

Landscape photography requires more than just having the right lens. To capture truly stunning shots, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Scout the location beforehand and plan your shots accordingly.
  • Use a tripod to keep your camera steady and minimize camera shake.
  • Use a polarizing filter to reduce glare and enhance colors.
  • Experiment with different compositions, such as using leading lines or the rule of thirds.
  • Shoot during the golden hour (early morning or late evening) for soft, warm light.
  • Use a remote shutter release or the camera’s timer function to avoid touching the camera and causing camera shake.

Comparison Of Lenses In Different Price Ranges

When it comes to lenses, you get what you pay for. Here’s a comparison of the three wide-angle lenses mentioned earlier in different price ranges:

  • Entry-level ($500 and below): Nikon af-p dx nikkor 10-20mm f/4.5-5.6g vr. This lens is an affordable and lightweight option with a wide zoom range and built-in image stabilization. However, it has slower autofocus and lower image quality compared to the more expensive options.
  • Mid-range ($500 to $1,000): Tokina at-x 16-28mm f/2.8 pro fx. This lens offers a fast maximum aperture and excellent image quality at an affordable price point. However, it does not have built-in image stabilization and has slower autofocus.
  • High-end ($1,000 and above): Nikon af-s nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8g ed. This lens is a top-of-the-line choice with ultra-wide perspective, fast maximum aperture, and exceptional image quality. However, it is the most expensive option and quite heavy.

As you can see, each lens has its unique characteristics and strengths. When choosing a lens for landscape photography, consider your budget, shooting style, and intended use.

With the right lens and technique, you can capture breathtaking landscapes that will leave a lasting impression on viewers.

Best Lenses for Nikon D850 For Portraiture

Portraiture is a genre that requires a lot of attention to detail. The equipment used in portrait photography plays a vital role in capturing sharp and stunning images. Nikon d850 is a go-to camera when it comes to portrait photography, but without the right lens, capturing rich and detailed portraits is impossible.

In this blog, we have put together a list of the best lenses for Nikon d850 that will help you take professional-grade portraits that leave a lasting impression on your viewers.

Recommended Portrait Lenses

If you want to capture portraits with a beautiful bokeh effect and achieve sharpness in your shots, you need a good portrait lens. Here are the top three portrait lenses we recommend for Nikon d850:

  • Nikon af-s nikkor 85mm f/1.4g: This lens is unquestionably one of the best portrait lenses out there. It provides amazing image quality with a shallow depth of field and natural perspective required in portrait photography. Moreover, its wide aperture allows you to create beautiful bokeh and has a speedy autofocus that captures magnificent portraits in low light.
  • Tamron sp 85mm f/1.8 di vc usd lens: This lens is an excellent alternative to the Nikon 85mm f/1.4g as it’s lighter and has vibration compensation that helps in reducing blur in your photos. With its full-frame compatible construction, it delivers sharp, high-contrast portraits with minimal fringing.
  • Sigma 85mm f/1.4 dg hsm art lens: This lens is a perfect example of sigma’s reputation for producing top-quality lenses. It produces pleasing bokeh and outstanding image quality, making it a great option for portrait photography. It’s also significantly less expensive than the Nikon 85mm f1.4 while producing remarkable image quality.

Understanding Depth Of Field And Its Effect On Portraits

Depth of field is the area in an image that is in focus. In portrait photography, creating a shallow depth of field helps isolate the subject from the background, resulting in crisp and detailed images. Therefore, understanding depth of field while choosing a lens for Nikon d850 is essential.

  • Prime lenses with a low aperture (f/1.8 or lower), such as the recommended portrait lenses above, create a very shallow depth of field, which is excellent for capturing portraits.
  • The depth of field is shallower when you get closer to your subject with a low aperture lens. For example, shooting at f/1.4 with a distance of one meter produces a blurrier background than shooting at the same aperture at five meters.
  • Higher aperture lenses (f/2.8 or higher) resulted in more detail in the background. That is not good for portrait photography where you want to isolate the subject.

Comparison Of Lenses In Different Price Ranges

Choosing the best lens for your Nikon d850 depends heavily on your budget. Here is a quick comparison of the portrait lenses mentioned above, with their prices and their essential features:

  • Nikon af-s nikkor 85mm f/1.4g: $1,200 – fast maximum aperture, great image quality, natural-looking perspective, robust build quality.
  • Tamron sp 85mm f/1.8 di vc usd lens: $700 – vibration compensation, lightweight, compact, excellent image sharpness.
  • Sigma 85mm f/1.4 dg hsm art lens: $1,100 – wide aperture, outstanding image quality, solid build quality.

Ultimately, you must decide which lens best fits the purpose of your photography and your budget. All three are great portrait lenses for the Nikon d850.

Choosing the right portrait lens is crucial for capturing stunning images. The recommended lenses above are all great options for the Nikon d850, and we hope this guide has helped you choose the right lens for your portrait photography needs.

Best Lenses For Wildlife Photography

Whether you are a professional wildlife photographer or just enjoy taking nature photos as a hobby, having the best lenses for your Nikon d850 can make a huge difference in getting those stunning shots. We will be discussing the best lenses for wildlife photography with their features, price ranges, and sample shots.

Recommended Telephoto Lenses

Telephoto lenses are crucial for wildlife photography as they allow for close-up shots of animals without getting too close to them, which can be dangerous for both parties. Here are some of the recommended telephoto lenses for Nikon d850 for capturing the best wildlife moments:

Nikon af-s nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6g ed vr lens

  • Offers excellent image quality and sharpness
  • Vibration reduction (vr) technology helps in capturing steady shots
  • Best zoom lens for capturing wildlife shots

Tamron sp 70-200mm f/2.8 di vc usd g2 for Nikon

  • Excellent zoom range and image stabilization
  • Moisture-resistant construction suitable for wildlife photography in any weather conditions

Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 dg os hsm sports lens for Nikon F

  • Provides sharp and high-resolution images even at maximum aperture
  • Designed specifically for wildlife and sports photography

Tips For Photographing Wildlife

  • Choose the right time of day for photography as early morning and late afternoon provides the best lighting conditions
  • Increase the shutter speed to capture sharp images of animals in motion
  • Use a tripod or monopod to stabilize the lens
  • Be patient and wait for the right moment to capture a great shot

Comparison Of Lenses In Different Price Ranges

Here is a comparison of telephoto lenses for Nikon d850 in different price ranges:

Budget-friendly ($200-$500)

  • Tamron sp 70-300mm f/4-5.6 di vc usd for Nikon
  • Nikon af-p dx nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3g ed vr

Mid-range ($500-$1300)

  • Sigma 100-400mm f/5-6.3 dg os hsm contemporary lens for Nikon f
  • Tamron sp 150-600mm f/5-6.3 di vc usd g2 for Nikon f

High-end ($1500 and above)

  • Nikon af-s nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6e ed vr lens
  • Sigma 500mm f/4 dg os hsm sports lens for Nikon f

FAQs Of Best Lenses For Nikon D850

What Lenses Are Compatible With Nikon D850?

The Nikon d850 is compatible with af-s, af-p, and e-type lenses. However, some older lenses may require an adapter.

What Is The Best Prime Lens For Nikon D850?

The sigma 85mm f/1. 4 dg hsm art lens is considered the best prime lens for Nikon d850. It delivers sharp and high-quality images.

Is It Worth Buying A Telephoto Zoom Lens For Nikon D850?

Yes, a telephoto zoom lens is worth buying for Nikon d850, especially if you’re into wildlife or portrait photography. We recommend the tamron sp 70-200mm f/2. 8 di vc usd g2 lens.

What Is The Best Ultrawide Lens For Nikon D850?

The Nikon af-s nikkor 14-24mm f/2. 8g ed lens is the best ultrawide lens for Nikon d850. Its focal length, aperture, and quality make it ideal for landscape photography.

Can I Use Third-Party Lenses With Nikon D850?

Yes, you can use third-party lenses with Nikon d850. However, it’s important to do your research and ensure compatibility with your camera body. Sigma and tamron are popular choices.

Should I Buy A Zoom Or Prime Lens For Nikon D850?

It depends on your needs and preferences. Prime lenses are great for low-light situations and producing sharp images. Zoom lenses are more versatile and useful in a wider range of scenarios.


Choosing the best lenses for the Nikon d850 is a crucial decision for any professional photographer or enthusiast. We have reviewed some of the best lenses that will provide exceptional results and cater to specific photography needs. The af-s nikkor 70-200mm f/2.

8e fl ed vr is the perfect choice for wedding and portrait photographers, while the sigma 150-600mm f/5-6. 3 dg os hsm sports is ideal for wildlife and sports photographers. The sigma 35mm f/1. 4 dg hsm art offers the best wide-angle coverage for landscape and street photography.

Meanwhile, the versatile tamron sp 90mm f/2. 8 di vc usd macro offers macro options for photographers who love to take close-up shots. Investing in good quality lenses is essential for capturing remarkable and breathtaking photos with your Nikon d850.

Our review will help you understand the different types of lenses and choose the right one for your photography needs.

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