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How To Take Photos With Blurred: A Step-by-Step Guide

To take photos with a blurred background, use a wide aperture setting and focus on the subject. This will create a shallow depth of field and blur the background, making the subject stand out.

Capturing stunning photos with a blurred background is a technique that can add a cinematic and professional appeal to your images. Most professional cameras and smartphones have the option to adjust the aperture, which is the opening in the lens that controls the amount of light that enters the camera.

To achieve a blurred background effect, select a wide aperture setting (low f-number) and focus on the subject. This will create a shallow depth of field, blurring everything in front or behind the subject.

The result is an image with a sharp subject and a soft, pleasingly blurred background. In this article, we will look at different ways to achieve the desired blurred background effect in your photos.

What Is Blurred Background Photography?

Blurred background photography refers to a technique used by photographers to enhance the quality of the subject’s image in a picture. It is a process in which the subject in the foreground is in sharp focus, while the background is blurred or out of focus.

This method is used to bring the subject into focus and make it more prominent by decreasing any distractions from the background.

Some of the tips to achieve blurred background photography include:

  • Adjusting the aperture
  • Increasing the focal length
  • Moving closer to the subject

How It Differs From Traditional Photography

Blurred background photography differs greatly from traditional photography in terms of aperture settings and the subject’s focus. Traditional photography typically involves a scene where the entire photo is in focus, with no single point of emphasis.

In contrast, blurred background photography uses a shallow depth of field, thereby keeping the subject in focus and blurring out the background.

Some of the differences between traditional photography and blurred background photography include:

  • Depth of field
  • Optical zoom
  • Focal length
  • Aperture setting

Why It’s Popular Among Photographers

Blurred background photography is a popular technique among photographers because it brings a unique perspective to the image and emphasizes the subject in the picture.

This technique enables the photographer to highlight the subject while creating a beautiful and creative visual effect.

Some reasons why this technique is popular among photographers include:

  • Creative perspective
  • Emphasizes the subject
  • Unique visual effect
  • Adds depth and dimension to the image
  • Enhances the overall quality of the picture.

How Does Aperture Work For Blurred Background

The aperture is the opening in a camera lens that can be adjusted to control the amount of light entering the camera. The size of the aperture is measured using f-stops, where a smaller number represents a larger aperture opening (more light) and a larger number represents a smaller aperture opening (less light).

How To Adjust Aperture

Adjusting the aperture is crucial in achieving a blurred background effect in photography.

Follow these steps to adjust the aperture for your desired effect:

  • Switch your camera to aperture priority mode.
  • Use a small aperture (large f-stop number) to create a wide depth of field.
  • Focus on the subject by half-pressing the shutter button.
  • Compose your shot and press the shutter button to take the photo.

Different Aperture Settings And Their Effects

Different aperture settings provide different depths of field and effects in photography.

Here are some commonly used aperture settings and their effects on photos:

  • F/1.8 – produces a very shallow depth of field, making the subject stand out and the background blur significantly.
  • F/4 – creates a moderate depth of field, providing a little blur in the background but keeping the subject and surroundings in focus.
  • F/16 – creates a large depth of field, keeping everything in the foreground and background in focus.

Tips For Using The Correct Aperture Settings

Here are some tips for using the correct aperture settings to achieve a blurred background effect:

  • Choose the appropriate aperture setting according to your subject and its surroundings.
  • Use a lower f-stop number for a blurred background effect, and a higher f-stop number for a sharper image.
  • Keep in mind that using a wide aperture (low f-stop) to achieve a blurred background can result in a shallow depth of field, which can cause some parts of the subject to be out of focus.
  • Experiment with different aperture settings to get the perfect blurred background effect.

With these tips, you can easily enhance the quality of your photographs by utilizing the aperture settings to achieve a blurred background effect.


What Is Depth Of Field For Blurred Background?

Capturing photos with a blurred background is a common technique that gives your images a professional, polished look. By mastering the concept of depth of field, you can achieve this effect with ease.

Let’s take a closer look at what depth of field is and how to use it for blurred background photography.

Depth of field refers to the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a photo that is acceptably sharp. The depth of field is influenced by several factors, including aperture, focal length, and subject distance.

How To Use Depth Of Field For Blurred Background Photography

Here are a few steps to follow to use depth of field for blurred background photography:

  • Choose a prime or telephoto lens with a low aperture for a shallower depth of field.
  • Position your subject a good distance away from the background.
  • Focus on your subject, allowing the background to blur naturally.
  • Consider using manual focus for more precise control over which part of the image is in focus.

Factors Affecting Depth Of Field

Understanding the factors that influence depth of field is essential to achieving the desired effect.

  • Aperture: A wide aperture (low f-number) will result in a shallow depth of field, while a narrow aperture (high f-number) will result in a deeper depth of field.
  • Focal length: The longer the focal length, the shallower the depth of field.
  • Distance from subject: The closer you are to your subject, the shallower the depth of field.

Techniques For Achieving The Desired Depth Of Field

There are a few techniques to keep in mind when trying to achieve your desired depth of field:

  • Use a low aperture setting (f/1.8 – f/5.6) for a shallower depth of field.
  • Determine the best focus point by using autofocus or manual focus.
  • Adjust the distance between your subject and the background to control the amount of blur.
  • Experiment with different lenses to achieve a shallow depth of field.

By following these tips, you can master depth of field and achieve stunning, professional-looking photos with a blurred background. Practice makes perfect, so keep experimenting to find your ideal settings.

Different Types Of Lenses For Blurred Background Photography

When it comes to taking photos with a blurred background, the right lens can make all the difference.

  • Wide-angle lens: This type of lens is known for capturing more of a scene. However, it can be challenging to blur the background with a wide-angle lens, as it has a deep depth of field.
  • Normal lens: A normal lens is versatile and can shoot a wide range of subjects. It’s slightly easier to blur the background with a normal lens, but it still won’t give you the same effect as a telephoto lens.
  • Telephoto lens: This type of lens is the go-to choice for blurring the background. A telephoto lens has a shallower depth of field, producing the popular bokeh effect.

How To Choose The Right Lens For Your Needs

Choosing the right lens for blurred background photography depends on what you want to shoot.

  • Distance: The distance between you and your subject will play a role in which lens is best. If you’re able to get close to your subject, a wide-angle or normal lens may suffice. But if you need to shoot from a distance, a telephoto lens is your best bet.
  • Focal length: The focal length of the lens also affects the blur in the background. A longer focal length results in a shallower depth of field, which can produce a more blurred background.
  • Lens speed: A lens’s speed refers to its maximum aperture size. The wider the aperture, the better the lens is at capturing images in low-light situations, and the better it is at blurring the background.

Pros And Cons Of Different Lenses

Each type of lens has its own pros and cons when it comes to creating a blurred background effect.

Wide-angle lens:

  • Pros: Can capture more of the scene.
  • Cons: Shallower depth of field can be challenging to achieve.

Normal lens:

  • Pros: Versatile and can produce a blurred background.
  • Cons: Not as dramatic as a telephoto lens.

Telephoto lens:

  • Pros: Shallow depth of field for a dramatic blur effect.
  • Cons: Can be expensive and heavy to use.

Choosing the right lens for blurred background photography is crucial to achieving the desired effect. Consider factors such as distance, focal length, and lens speed to make an informed decision.

How To Take Photos With Blurred Background!

Blurred background photography is a popular technique that can make your subject stand out by blurring everything behind it.

How To Position Your Subject

The placement of your subject is essential when taking photos with blurred backgrounds.

  • Position your subject in front of a background that contrasts in color and texture.
  • Place your subject in the foreground to create depth of field.
  • Use a shallow depth of field to keep your subject in focus while blurring the background.

Choosing The Right Background

The type of background you use also plays a significant role in creating a blurred effect.

  • Use a textured or patterned background to add interest to your photo.
  • Avoid busy backgrounds with too many distractions that could take away from your subject.
  • Use a plain background for a more classic look.

Tips For Achieving The Perfect Shot

Here are some additional tips to help you capture that perfect shot with a blurred background:

  • Use a suitable lens, such as a prime lens or telephoto lens, to create a shallow depth of field.
  • Adjust your aperture to a low number, such as f/4 or lower, to create the desired blurriness.
  • Make sure your subject is in focus by using autofocus or manual focus.
  • Take multiple shots to get the best result.

Capturing Movement In Blurred Background Photography

If you want to incorporate movement in your blurred background photos, here are some tips to follow:

  • Use a slower shutter speed to capture movement, such as a person walking or a moving vehicle.
  • Use a tripod to keep the camera steady to avoid blur caused by camera shake.
  • Experiment with different angles and settings to capture movement in unique ways.

By using these techniques, you can create stunning photos with blurred backgrounds that will make your subject stand out. Remember to experiment with different settings and styles to find what works best for you.


What Is The Blurred Background Effect?

Blurred background effect is a photographic technique that creates a shallow depth of field, creating a blurred background while keeping the subject in sharp focus.

How Can I Achieve The Blurred Background Effect?

You can achieve the blurred background effect by using a wide aperture setting on your camera, choosing a long focal length lens, and positioning your subject far from the background.

What Camera Settings Should I Use For The Blurred Background Effect?

To achieve a blurred background effect, set your camera to aperture priority mode and set the aperture to the widest possible opening. Keep iso low and invest in a good lens with a wide aperture range.

Does The Distance Between The Subject And Background Affect The Blurred Background Effect?

Yes, the distance between the subject and background can affect the blurred background effect. The farther the subject is from the background, the more blurred the background will appear.

Can I Achieve Blurred Background Effect Without Using A Dslr Camera?

Yes, you can achieve the blurred background effect without using a dslr camera. Use a smartphone with a portrait mode function, or invest in a point-and-shoot camera that has a manual aperture feature.


To sum up, taking photos with blurred backgrounds can add depth and dimensions to your pictures. By experimenting with aperture settings, focal length, and distance, you can achieve visually appealing images with bokeh effect, isolating your subjects from distracting backgrounds.

However, remember to keep in mind the lighting, composition, and camera stability when implementing these techniques. Practice makes perfect, so keep testing and trying until you find the right balance that works for you. Lastly, don’t forget to have fun and let your creativity flow.

With these tips in mind, you can capture professional-grade photos with blurred backgrounds that will make your audience stop and admire.

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