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Vaseline On The Lens: A Photographer’s Secret for Dreamy Photos

“Vaseline on the lens” is a common filmmaking technique used to create a soft, dreamy effect in movies and tv shows. It involves smearing petroleum jelly or a similar substance on the lens of the camera to create a hazy, blurred look.

Using Vaseline on the camera lens has been a staple of the film industry for decades. It has been used to create everything from ethereal dream sequences to intimate romantic scenes. The effect is achieved by smearing a small amount of petroleum jelly or another similar substance onto the lens of the camera.

The result is a soft, dreamy image that blurs the edges and creates a romantic or otherworldly atmosphere. While vaseline on camera lens is not used as frequently as it once was due to advancements in digital technology, it remains a popular technique in certain genres of film and television.

Why Vaseline On The Lens: Does It Work?

Have you ever seen a photograph that looks blurry, hazy, or has a dreamy effect? This effect can be achieved with the vaseline on camera lens technique.

Vaseline on the camera lens is a camera trick used by photographers and filmmakers alike to create a soft or blurred effect on the image or video. It involves smearing a small amount of petroleum jelly on the camera lens to create a soft filter.

How It Works

The technique is based on the principles of refraction and diffusion of light. The vaseline on camera lens creates a layer that diffuses the light, blurring the image. Therefore, the image loses sharpness and clarity, resulting in a softer and dreamier effect.

It’s a simple trick that can be used to achieve creative and artistic effects in photographs and videos.

Pros And Cons Of Using The Technique

Vaseline on the camera lens is a creative technique that can provide an artistic effect to your photography or filmmaking. But, like any technique, it comes with its pros and cons.


  • Creates a dreamy, soft, and romantic effect in the images
  • Hides imperfections in the subject or scene
  • Adds depth and dimension to the image
  • Can be used to create a vintage or retro look
  • Is a low-cost technique that requires only household items


  • Can be overused and become cheesy or cliché
  • May not be suitable for every image or scene
  • Requires careful application to avoid excessive blur or smudging of the lens
  • Can be difficult to clean off the lens after use

Vaseline On The Camera Lens Technique: Creative Or Cheesy?

The vaseline on lens technique is a creative technique that can add a unique and artistic touch to your projects. However, like any technique, it can be overused and become cheesy or cliché.

The key to making it work is to use it thoughtfully and sparingly. When applied correctly, this technique can help you create beautiful, dreamy, and romantic images.

The vaseline on the camera lens technique is a versatile technique that can add unique effects to your photography and filmmaking. Whether you use it to create a romantic shot or a vintage look, it’s important to remember to use it thoughtfully and carefully.

How To Prepare For Vaseline On The Lens

Vaseline on lens might sound a little unconventional, but it can give your photos an artistic effect. Before you start spreading the Vaseline, there are a few things you need to consider.

Here’s how to prepare for applying Vaseline on camera lens.

Choosing The Right Equipment

To achieve the ideal effects, you’ll need specific equipment when using Vaseline as an artistic technique.

  • Camera: Any camera you have will work for this technique, but the best choice is a camera with a manual focus option.
  • Lens: Any lens will work for this technique, but a portrait lens with a wider aperture will produce a better effect.
  • Vaseline: You need a small amount of petroleum jelly to apply to the lens. Always use a clean cotton swab or finger to apply.
  • Cleaning cloth: Keep an alcohol-based cleaning cloth handy to remove excess Vaseline from the lens.

How To Apply The Vaseline

Once you have the right equipment, it’s time to get started with the application process on your lens.

  • Start by cleaning the lens with an alcohol-based cleaning cloth to remove any smudges or fingerprints.
  • Apply a tiny amount of Vaseline to the center of the lens using a clean cotton swab or your finger.
  • Spread the Vaseline evenly across the lens, leaving the edges clean.
  • Use the manual focus option on your camera and bring the subject into focus.

Using The Technique Effectively

Now that you know how to apply Vaseline to your lens, you should also know how to use it effectively.

  • Use a small amount of Vaseline, to begin with, and build up the amount gradually until you achieve the desired effect.
  • Keep the vaseline away from the edges of the lens to avoid it showing up in the frame.
  • Use a lens hood to prevent light from scattering and reduce the glare on your image.
  • Try different aperture settings to see how they affect the results.
  • Experiment with different subjects and compositions to see which ones work best for this technique.

Vaseline on the camera lens can give your photos an artistic effect that’s worth trying. By following the right techniques and tips, you can achieve a unique and captivating image.

Give it a try, and see where it takes your photography skills!

Creative Photography With Vaseline On The Lens

Vaseline is a multi-purpose product that can be found in most households. However, did you know that you can use it to capture unique and creative photographs that are Instagram-worthy?

With a bit of creativity and some Vaseline, you can take your photography skills to the next level.

Using Vaseline On The Camera Lens For Portraits

Portrait photography is an art form that requires a lot of attention to detail and patience to get the perfect shot. Using Vaseline on the lens can help create a dreamy and romantic atmosphere that is perfect for intimate and romantic portraits.

  • The Vaseline softens the edges of the photo, providing a more unique and ethereal look for the portrait.
  • Use a small amount of Vaseline to avoid a blurry effect in the photo.
  • To get the best shot, wipe the Vaseline around the edges of the lens only, leaving the center of the lens clear.

Creating Dreamy And Ethereal Landscapes With Vaseline

Capturing the beauty of nature through photography is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding experiences. Vaseline can help add a sense of mystery and enchantment to your landscape photos.

  • Apply a small amount of Vaseline evenly around the edges of the lens to create a dreamy and soft blur across the picture.
  • The Vaseline filter will soften the image and create an ethereal look for the landscape.
  • Capture the images on a sunny day to make the Vaseline filter more distinctive.

Using Vaseline For Macros And Still Life

Macro and still-life photography require a keen eye for detail and a bit of creativity. Using Vaseline on camera lens can help create unique and stunning images.

  • Apply a small dot of Vaseline on lens to create a soft texture to the macro/still-life image.
  • To enhance the vibrancy of the image, use Vaseline on bright-coloured subjects.
  • If you want to capture fine details with Vaseline, place your subject as close as possible to the lens.

Vaseline can be used to add creativity to your photographs, enhancing their overall atmosphere. With these tips in mind, try experimenting with Vaseline to create unique and artistic images that pop.

So, go ahead, grab your camera, gather your creativity and start capturing amazing shots with Vaseline on the camera lens.

Wielding The Magic: Post-Processing Vaseline On Camera Lens Photography

Vaseline on the camera lens photography is a vintage technique that produces a soft, dreamy effect in pictures. It is quite magical and can create breathtaking images.

The soft and blurry effect is achieved by smearing Vaseline on camera lens of a camera, creating a hazy and mysterious look.

Post-processing vaseline on lens photography can take this technique to a whole new level. Here are some editing techniques for enhancing the effect of Vaseline on lens, as well as some common mistakes to avoid in post-processing.

Editing Techniques For Enhancing The Effect

Once you have captured the image, you can enhance the vaseline on camera lens effect in post-processing using the following techniques:

  • Soften the image: Apply a slight blur effect with a Gaussian blur filter to soften the image, creating an elegant and appealing look.
  • Adjust the contrast: By increasing the contrast slightly, you can make the details pop out, giving it a sharper, more attractive look.
  • Decrease the saturation: By reducing the saturation, you can create a vintage effect that is more reminiscent of old photographs.
  • Play with the color balance: Adjust the color balance to create a unique and moodier feel.

Common Mistakes To Avoid In Post-Processing

Post-processing can enhance the effect of Vaseline on the camera lens, but it can also ruin it if not done properly.

  • Overusing filters: Too many filters can obscure the vaseline on camera lens effect, making the image look like a chaotic mess.
  • Over-contrast: Too much contrast can ruin the vaseline on lens effect by making the image look too sharp.
  • Over-saturation: Over-saturating an image will poorly reflect the desired mood of the picture.
  • Lack of experimentation: As with all photography, the key to a great picture is to experiment. The vaseline on camera lens effect works amazingly, but it does not mean it is perfected.

Post-processing vaseline on lens photography can take your images to the next level. By applying the right techniques while avoiding common mistakes, you can create dreamy and soft images that are both inspiring and unique.

Remember to experiment and not be afraid to try new things. However, centering on the magic of the vaseline on the camera lens technique, be advised not to ruin the desired effect by over-processing.

FAQs For Vaseline On The Lens

What Types Of Photos Benefit From This Technique?

This technique is popular for portrait, wedding, and landscape photography, where a softer, more romantic look is desired.

Can This Technique Be Achieved Digitally Instead Of Physically?

Yes, this effect can be achieved digitally using editing software like Photoshop. However, some photographers prefer the authenticity of using the physical technique.

Are There Any Downsides To Using This Technique?

The main downside is that it can be messy and difficult to remove from the lens after use. It can also affect the clarity of the photo if overused.

Is This Technique Suitable For Beginners Or Only Professionals?

This technique can be used by anyone who wants to experiment with creative photography. However, it’s recommended to practice and test with different levels of vaseline before trying it in a professional setting.


When a photographer started a trend of using Vaseline on their lenses, it may have seemed a strange and unconventional approach. However, the stunning results were impossible to ignore.

By softening and blurring the edges of the photo, it creates a dream-like quality. Whether it is to create a romantic atmosphere in a wedding shoot or give a vintage feel to a portrait, the technique can be used in so many ways.

The key is to experiment and find what works best for your intended outcome. While there are other ways to create similar effects, vaseline remains an accessible and inexpensive option, allowing photographers of all levels to try their hand at this unique approach.

Ultimately, photography is all about creativity and expression, and Vaseline on the lens provides just another way to explore and push the boundaries of this art form.

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