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Battle of the Titans: Sony A7R II Vs A7R III

The Sony A7R II vs a7r III are both exceptional full-frame mirrorless cameras, but the a7r III offers higher autofocus capabilities, faster burst shooting, and better battery life. The a7r ii is still a great option for those on a budget, with excellent image quality and a more affordable price point.

Sony’s a7r ii and a7r III are two full-frame mirrorless cameras that come with amazing features and exceptional image quality; however, the a7r III presents more enhancements than its predecessor. The a7r III includes better autofocusing, faster burst mode, and longer battery life.

On the other hand, the a7r II is still a reliable choice that provides excellent image quality with additional affordability. While both cameras are great, discerning buyers will appreciate the improvements that Sony incorporated in the a7r III.

We’ll compare the Sony A7R II vs. a7r III, including their specs, capabilities, and unique features.

Table of Contents

Sony A7R II Vs A7R III: Battle Of The Titans

Are you struggling to decide which one is better, the Sony A7R II or the Sony A7R III? It’s a tough decision, as both cameras are the best in their class, with state-of-the-art technology.

We’ll be comparing both cameras and highlighting their differences and similarities.

Why These Two Cameras Are In Direct Competition

The Sony A7R II and Sony A7R III mirrorless cameras are the flagship models of the Sony Alpha range. They are formidable cameras designed for professional photographers and videographers who demand high quality, versatility, and reliability in their cameras.

Both cameras have high-resolution full-frame sensors that deliver exceptional image quality, making them perfect for landscape and architecture photographers. They also offer a wide dynamic range and good low-light performance, enabling you to capture high-quality images in challenging lighting conditions.

These features make the Sony A7R II and a7r III perfect competitors in the photography market.

Key Similarities Between The Sony A7R II And Sony A7R III

  • Both cameras have the same 42-megapixel full-frame sensor.
  • Both cameras are designed with a magnesium alloy body, making them rugged, weather-sealed, and durable.
  • They both feature an electronic viewfinder (EVF) with 3.69 million dots resolution.
  • Both cameras have a tilting LCD screen to enable photographers to take angled shots.
  • They both offer 5-axis image stabilization, making it easier to capture sharp images and stable video footage.
  • Both cameras have 4k video capabilities at 30 frames per second and 1080p at 120 frames per second.

Key Differences Between The Sony A7R II And Sony A7R III

  • The Sony A7R III has a higher continuous shooting speed at 10 frames per second compared to the a7r ii’s 5 frames per second.
  • The Sony A7R III features better autofocus technology with 399 phase detection autofocus points and 425 contrast-detection autofocus points.
  • The Sony A7R III also has a larger buffer, enabling the storage of up to 76 compressed raw files compared to the a7r ii’s 23 compressed raw files.
  • The Sony A7R III has a touchscreen LCD, which is absent from the Sony A7R II.
  • The Sony A7R III has a longer battery life, with an improved battery capacity compared to the Sony A7R II.

Both cameras are exceptional with their unique features, and choosing which camera is better depends on your needs. While the Sony A7R III is considered an upgrade from the Sony A7R II, the latter remains one of the best cameras on the market for photographers demanding high-quality images and video.

Sony A7R II Vs A7R III: Feature Comparison

Sony never ceases to impress with their mirrorless camera models, and the a7r ii and a7r III are prime examples of their innovation. We will compare the key specifications and features of these two cameras, so you can make an informed decision on which one is right for you.

Sensor Performance

Both cameras boast a 42-megapixel full-frame sensor that produces stunning, high-resolution images. However, the a7r III has a newer sensor that produces better dynamic range and higher iso performance.

This means you can shoot in low light with less noise and get more detail in highlights and shadows.

Focusing Speed

The a7r III has Sony’s latest autofocus system, which is faster and more accurate than the one on the a7r ii. The a7r III also has more autofocus points and better tracking capabilities, making it a better option for sports and action photography.

Video Quality

Both cameras can shoot 4k video, but the a7r III has some significant advantages over the a7r ii. The newer camera has better image stabilization, improved autofocus, and records longer videos without overheating. If you shoot a lot of videos, the a7r III is the better option for you.

Other Features

Here are some other features worth mentioning in this Sony A7R II Vs A7R III comparison:

  • Both cameras have tilting screens, but only the a7r III has a touch screen for easy operation.
  • The a7r III has dual sd card slots, which are useful for backup or extended recording.
  • The a7r III has a longer battery life than the a7r ii, which is always a plus.

Overall, the Sony A7R III is a clear winner in this comparison due to its improved sensor, autofocus, video quality, and other features. However, if you’re on a tighter budget and don’t need the latest and greatest, the a7r II is still an excellent option for high-resolution photography.

Sensor Performance

The 42.4-Megapixel Sensor On The A7R Ii

The a7r ii is a remarkable camera, featuring a powerful 42. A 4-megapixel sensor that captures stunning images with amazing clarity.

Here are the key points of a detailed analysis of the a7r ii sensor:

  • The sensor is back-illuminated, which improves low-light performance by allowing more light to reach its surface.
  • The a7r ii features a full-frame sensor, which is larger than most other sensors in other cameras, and allows for greater depth of field and better image quality.
  • The sensor has 399 focus points that cover almost the entire frame, ensuring that your images are always in sharp focus.
  • The a7r ii sensor has a high dynamic range, which means it can capture a wide range of tones and details in an image.

The Updated 42.4-Megapixel Sensor On The A7R III

The a7r III is the successor to the a7r ii, and it comes with an updated 42. A 4-megapixel sensor that offers several improvements over its predecessor.

Here’s an in-depth review of the updated sensor on the a7r III:

  • The a7r III sensor is a newer generation than the a7r ii sensor, offering some slight improvements in overall image quality.
  • The a7r III also has a back-illuminated sensor, which improves its low-light performance over the a7r ii.
  • The a7r III has a higher resolution EVF (electronic viewfinder), which allows for better overall image composition.
  • The a7r III sensor has a high dynamic range, which means it can capture a wide range of tones and details in an image.

The Dynamic Range, Iso Performance, And Color Performance Of The Two Cameras

When it comes to comparing the Sony A7R II and a7r III cameras, there are a few key metrics that are worth examining in detail. Let’s look at how these two cameras stack up in terms of their dynamic range, iso performance, and color performance:

  • Dynamic range: Both the a7r ii and a7r III sensors offer high dynamic ranges, allowing for stunning images that capture a wide range of tones and details. While there are slight differences in the overall dynamic range of the two cameras, they are both excellent performers in this regard.
  • Iso performance: The a7r III has slightly better performance at high iso values than the a7r ii, which should translate into slightly less noise in images taken in low light conditions.
  • Color performance: The Sony A7R III has a slightly improved color filter over the a7r ii, which can translate into slightly more accurate color reproduction in images.

Sony A7R II Vs A7R III: Autofocus System

The autofocus systems in the Sony A7R II and a7r III may sound similar, but they exhibit some significant differences. Let’s take a closer look at the autofocus systems to understand the key features.

  • The a7r ii and a7r III both come with the fast hybrid AF system, which combines phase-detection and contrast-detection AF, making it possible to focus quickly and accurately.
  • The a7r ii has 399 phase-detection AF points that cover around 45% of the frame. The a7r III has 425 phase-detection AF points that cover around 68% of the frame.
  • The a7r III’s autofocus system comes with better low-light sensitivity and improved accuracy thanks to the new AF algorithm.
  • The a7r III features eye AF technology for better portrait photography and improved focus on moving objects.

The Number Of Af Points, Af Modes, And Other Features

Let’s examine the autofocus systems’ key differences based on numbers and other features.

  • The a7r ii has 399 phase-detection AF points, while the a7r III has 425 phase-detection AF points.
  • The a7r III has a larger AF coverage of 68% of the frame compared to the a7r ii, which covers 45% of the frame.
  • The a7r III features eye AF technology, allowing for better focusing on a person’s eyes. This feature is particularly handy for portrait photography and when tracking a moving object.
  • The a7r III’s autofocus system has better low-light sensitivity and improved accuracy due to the new AF algorithm.
  • Both cameras come with several autofocus modes, including wide, zone, center, flexible spot, expand flexible spot, lock-on af, and eye AF technology.

Real-World Performance Comparison With Sample Images

Real-world testing is vital for comparing autofocus systems, so we tested the Sony A7R II and a7r III with similar lenses in various situations.

  • The a7r III delivered better autofocus performance in low light, with faster and more reliable focusing.
  • Eye-AF technology in the a7r III worked exceptionally well and helped nail sharp focus on our subject’s eyes even when capturing moving images.
  • Both cameras struggled with focusing on moving subjects and had difficulty tracking them. However, using the lock-on af mode improved our chances, slightly enhancing the accuracy of tracking.
  • Overall, the a7r III’s autofocus system proved to be faster, more accurate, and more intuitive to use than that of the a7r ii in various situations.

While the a7r ii offers a decent autofocus system, the a7r III comes with improvements in various aspects, making it a much better option for focusing with confidence in any situation.

Video Quality

The Sony A7R II is an excellent choice for those who want to record high-quality videos.

Here are some important factors that contribute to its video quality:

  • Video formats: The Sony A7R II supports multiple video formats, including xavc s, avchd, and mp4. Xavc s is the highest-quality format available, with a bit rate of up to 100 Mbps.
  • Frame rates: The camera offers a wide range of frame rates, from 24p to 120p. Slow-motion and time-lapse effects can be achieved by using these frame rates effectively.
  • Image stabilization: The Sony A7R II incorporates 5-axis stabilization, which is highly effective in reducing camera shake during video recording.
  • Iso sensitivity: The camera can shoot in low light conditions with ease, thanks to its native iso range of 100-25,600.
  • Bit depth: The Sony A7R II offers 8-bit recording, which gives you good color depth in your video. However, if you need more color grading flexibility, the camera also offers a 14-bit uncompressed raw output.

The Video Quality Of The A7R III

The Sony A7R III takes video recording to a whole new level. Let’s examine some of the features that make up its outstanding video performance:

  • Enhanced autofocus: The a7r III has an excellent autofocus system that covers almost the entire frame. Additionally, it offers touch-to-focus functionality, making it super easy to track subjects while recording.
  • Dual card slots: The camera is equipped with two card slots, one of which is uhs-ii compliant. This setup allows for longer recording times and data redundancy.
  • Picture profiles: The camera comes with several picture profiles that are designed to work with different lighting conditions. S-log3 is a popular profile that delivers high dynamic range video for post-production color grading.
  • Slow motion: The Sony A7R III offers slow-motion video recording up to 120fps in full hd and 30fps in 4k. These frame rates are perfect for creating cinematic slow-motion effects.

Comparison Of Video Formats, Frame Rates, And Other Features

Here is a comparison of the video quality and features of the Sony A7R II and a7r III:

Both the Sony A7R II and a7r III are excellent cameras for video recording. However, the a7r III brings many incremental improvements, making it a more versatile option for videographers.

With its enhanced autofocus, dual card slots, extensive picture profiles, and slow-motion capabilities, it is an ideal choice for professionals who demand the best quality video from their cameras.

Sony A7R II Vs A7R III: Design And Ergonomics

The physical design and ergonomics of a camera are essential factors that determine the user experience. If a camera is not well designed, it could become a hindrance to the photographer’s creative process.

Here is a breakdown of the design and ergonomics of Sony A7R II and a7r III.

The Size, Weight, Button Layout, Grip, And Other Features

Size and weight are necessary considerations, especially for photographers who travel regularly. Here are the differences in the size and weight of the Sony A7R II and a7r III:

  • Sony A7R II: 126.9 x 95.7 x 60.3 mm and weighs 625g
  • Sony A7R III: 126.9 x 95.6 x 73.7 mm and weighs 657g

As for button layouts, both cameras share similar button placement; therefore, switching from one camera to the other will not cause confusion. However, the a7r III has additional custom buttons, making it more flexible in terms of customization.

The a7r III’s grip is a significant improvement over the a7r ii. The grip is more profound, making it much easier to hold; therefore, it reduces the chance of dropping the camera.

Weather Sealing And Durability

Weather sealing is crucial for outdoor photographers who often shoot in harsh weather conditions. Sony A7R II and a7r III are both weather-sealed, making them resistant to dust and moisture.

This feature ensures that any external elements do not damage the camera’s internal components while shooting. In terms of durability, the a7r III has improved on the a7r II’s build quality.

It has a sturdier chassis and higher-rated shutter durability of 500,000 shots compared to the a7r ii’s shutter durability of 250,000. Sony A7R III is, without a doubt, a significant upgrade on the a7r ii in terms of design and ergonomics.

It is more comfortable to hold, has a better custom button system, is weather-sealed, and has higher-rated shutter durability. Ultimately, the decision between the two cameras comes down to the photographer’s preference, intended use, and budget.

Sony A7R II Vs A7R III: Body Design

The Sony A7R II is a full-frame mirrorless camera that was launched in 2015. This camera has a durable magnesium-alloy body that houses a full-frame 42. 4-megapixel sensor.

The design and layout of the a7r ii were groundbreaking at the time and still hold up today.

Here are some key points about the design and layout of the a7r ii:

  • The camera is compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry around and use for extended periods.
  • There is a large electronic viewfinder (EVF) that provides a high-resolution image, making it easy to compose shots in bright sunlight.
  • The 3-inch tilting LCD touchscreen enables easy shooting from high and low angles.
  • The body of the camera is weather-sealed, making it resistant to dust and moisture.
  • There are numerous customizable buttons and dials, allowing the user to set the camera up to their personal preferences.
  • The grip of the camera has a comfortable and ergonomic design that makes it easy to hold.

The Body Design Of The A7R III

The Sony A7R III was launched in 2017 and is an incremental update to the a7r ii. One of the main areas of improvement was the body design. Here’s a detailed review of the improvements to the body design of the a7r III:

  • The grip of the camera has been made slightly deeper, making it more comfortable to hold, especially for people with larger hands.
  • The joystick on the back of the camera has been made larger, making it easier to use.
  • The focus point selection button is now located on the rear of the camera, making it more convenient to access.
  • The AF-on button has been made larger and shifted to the right, making it easier to locate by touch.
  • The buttons on the back of the camera are now more recessed, making it less likely that they will be accidentally pressed.
  • The menu system has been improved, with faster access to frequently used settings.

The Build Quality, Control Layout, And Button Placement

When looking at the Sony A7R II vs. a7r III body design, it’s important to compare their build quality, control layout, and button placement. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences:

Build Quality

  • Both cameras have a magnesium alloy body that is durable and weather-sealed, making them resistant to dust and moisture.

Control Layout

  • The grip on the a7r III is deeper and more comfortable to hold.
  • The joystick on the back of the a7r III is larger and easier to use.
  • The focus point selection button is now located on the rear of the a7r III, making it more convenient to access.
  • The AF-on button on the a7r III is larger and shifted to the right, making it easier to locate by touch.

Button Placement

  • The buttons on the back of the a7r III are more recessed, making it less likely that they will be accidentally pressed.
  • The a7r III has an additional custom button and a menu feature, allowing for more customization and quick access to frequently used settings.

Overall, the Sony A7R III has some key improvements to its body design compared to the a7r ii. Its deeper grip and larger, more user-friendly buttons make it a more comfortable camera to use for extended periods. The a7r III’s improved control layout and customization options also give the user more convenience and control.

Viewfinder And LCD Screen Of The Sony A7R II

The Sony A7R II is a popular camera among photography enthusiasts and professionals alike. It’s the viewfinder and LCD screen is two of the main features that make it stand out from the competition.

Here is a detailed breakdown of each feature:

  • Viewfinder: The a7r ii has an electronic viewfinder (EVF) that boasts an impressive 0.78x magnification and 2.36-million dot resolution. It also features a Zeiss t* coating to reduce glare and provide clear, sharp images. The viewfinder comes with an eye sensor that automatically switches between the EVF and the LCD screen when the camera is placed near the eye. This allows for quick and easy switching between the two modes without the need for manual adjustments.
  • LCD screen: The a7r ii has a 3-inch tilting LCD screen with a 1.23-million dot resolution. The screen can be tilted up or down, making it easier to take photos from various angles. The LCD screen also features Sony’s white magic technology, which adds a white pixel to the standard RGB pixels. This helps to improve visibility in bright sunlight and outdoor shooting conditions.

The Updated Viewfinder And LCD Screen On The A7R III

The Sony A7R III features an updated viewfinder and LCD screen technology compared to its predecessor, the a7r ii.

Here is a detailed breakdown of each feature:

  • Viewfinder: The a7r III has an improved electronic viewfinder with a 3.69-million dot resolution and a 0.78x magnification. It also features Sony’s quad-vga oled tru-finder technology, which provides clear, bright, and highly detailed images. The viewfinder comes with an eye sensor that automatically switches between the EVF and the LCD screen.
  • LCD screen: The a7r III has a 3-inch tilting LCD screen with a 1.44-million dot resolution. The screen is touch-sensitive, making it easier to adjust settings and focus points. The LCD screen also features Sony’s white magic technology, which adds a white pixel to the standard RGB pixels to improve visibility in bright sunlight and outdoor shooting conditions.

The Resolution, Refresh Rate, And Other Features

The Sony A7R III has several upgrades from the a7r ii when it comes to the viewfinder and LCD screen.

Here is a comparison of some of the key features:

  • Resolution: The a7r III has a higher resolution than the a7r ii on both the viewfinder and LCD screen. The EVF has a 3.69-million dot resolution, while the LCD screen has a 1.44-million dot resolution.
  • Refresh rate: The a7r III has a faster refresh rate than the a7r ii on the viewfinder. The EVF has a 120fps refresh rate, while the a7r ii has a 60fps refresh rate.
  • Touch screen: The a7r III has a touch-sensitive LCD screen, which allows for quick and easy adjustments to settings and focus points. The a7r ii does not have a touch screen.
  • Whitemagic technology: Both cameras feature Sony’s white magic technology on the LCD screen to improve visibility in bright sunlight and outdoor shooting conditions.
  • Eye sensor: Both cameras come with an eye sensor that automatically switches between the EVF and the LCD screen. However, the a7r III also has an improved autofocus system that uses the eye sensor to detect and track subjects for better accuracy.

Price And Value Between The Two Cameras

It’s important to take into consideration the price difference between the Sony A7R II and a7r III when deciding which camera to buy.

  • The Sony A7R II has a lower price point, making it more accessible to people who have a tighter budget.
  • The Sony A7R III is a newer model with advanced features, which naturally increases the cost.
  • The Sony A7R III offers improved features such as faster autofocus, higher resolution EVF, and longer battery life, which justify the higher price point.
  • Depending on your needs and budget, you may decide that the improvements in the Sony A7R III are not significant enough to justify the extra cost.

The A7R III Offers Enough Value For Its Higher Price

Price does not always equate to value. It’s important to consider whether the increased cost of the Sony A7R III is worth the value it brings over the a7r ii.

  • The Sony A7R III has a better autofocus system, which results in improved accuracy and speed when taking photos.
  • The Sony A7R III also has a better image processor, which can improve image quality and color accuracy.
  • The Sony A7R III has a longer battery life, which can be an advantage for photographers who use their cameras for long periods of time.
  • The Sony A7R III offers a higher resolution EVF, which can improve the shooting experience.
  • If you need a camera that performs well in low-light environments, the Sony A7R III’s improved iso performance can make it a better choice.

Comparison With Other Cameras In The Same Price Range

When deciding on a camera, it’s important to compare it with other options that are similar in the price range.

Here are some other cameras that can be compared to the Sony A7R III:

  • The Nikon z7 is similar in price and has a higher resolution sensor at 45.7 megapixels.
  • The Canon eos r, also in a similar price range, has a lower resolution but does offer Canon’s famous dual pixel af system, some advanced video features, and excellent ergonomics.
  • The panasonic lumix s1 is also comparable but has a lower resolution sensor at 24.2 megapixels.
  • The Sony a7 III, has a lower resolution, slower autofocus, and less refined features, but still offers good quality at a lower price point.

Ultimately, the decision between the Sony A7R II and a7r III will depend on your needs and budget. If you are looking for improved autofocus, enhanced image quality, and better battery life, the Sony A7R III is definitely worth the higher price.

However, if you are more budget-conscious, the Sony A7R II and other options in the same price range may be a better choice.


What Are The Differences Between Sony A7R II And A7R III?

Sony A7R III has a faster autofocus system, better image processor, dual card slots, improved battery life, and a higher resolution electronic viewfinder than a7r ii.

Is It Worth Upgrading From Sony A7R II To A7R III?

If you need improved autofocus, faster image processing, better battery life, dual card slots, and a higher resolution electronic viewfinder, then it’s worth upgrading from a7r ii to a7r III.

Is There A Difference In Image Quality Between Sony A7R II Vs A7R III?

Both cameras have the same resolution, but Sony A7R III has a better image processor. This means a7r III can produce sharper images with less noise compared to a7r ii at higher isos.

Which Camera Is Better For Video Recording, Sony A7R II Or A7R III?

While both cameras can record 4k videos, Sony A7R III has better autofocus for video recording, higher bitrate recording, and better image stabilization. Hence, it’s a better choice for videographers.

What Is The Price Difference Between Sony A7R II And A7R III?

The price of the Sony A7R II is around $1,198, and the price of the a7r III is around $3,198. Hence, a7r III is significantly more expensive than a7r ii.

Do Sony A7R II And A7R III Have Similar Designs?

Both cameras have a similar design in terms of layout and controls. However, the a7r III has a joystick for af-point selection, dual card slots, and a larger grip compared to the a7r ii.

Final Verdict

After considering the differences between Sony A7R II Vs A7R III, it’s clear that both cameras have their unique advantages and disadvantages. The a7r III boasts better autofocus, image processing, battery life, and a higher resolution at a higher price point.

However, the a7r II still holds its ground with cheaper pricing, a lighter body, and the ability to produce similar image quality with a slight compromise on speed and video capabilities. Ultimately, the decision depends on individual needs and budget constraints.

Both options are valuable for professional photographers and videographers alike, and with Sony’s continuously improving technology, it’s exciting to see what the future holds for their camera line-up. Whether it’s the a7r ii or the a7r III, either option provides superior image quality and versatility for capturing stunning visuals in any setting.

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